Friday, July 13, 2012

a fresh start.

I have blogged in the past.  And then I attempted to try blogging again about 2 years ago.  Let's just say, it was an epic fail.  My husband decided to start a blog, which then got me thinking, I should start blogging again too.  So here I am.

To update you on the current happenings in the life of Mrs. T, here are the highlights of life now:
  • I just celebrated my 2 wedding anniversary with my amazing husband!!  There are days that it feels like we have been married for 5+ years, and then other days that it seems like it was just yesterday.  The adventures we've been on, the trials we've faced, the storms we've weathered, the celebrations we've shared...there's been a lot, but I'm excited about what's in store for us.
  • My pretty little princess is 13 months and continues to melt her momma's heart.  She's a people person, just like her momma.  She loves to chat, and is discovering new tricks everyday!  She brings so much joy to everyone she's around, her smile is super contagious.  I love being her momma!!  And I am blessed that I get to be with her every day and that God has provided for us in such a way that she doesn't have to be in daycare!
  • I'm 13 weeks pregnant with "baby number two."  I'm gonna be honest, I don't like being pregnant.  I don't like the morning sickness that shows up whenever it wants.  I don't like being constantly tired.  I don't feel like myself.  But, despite that, I'm excited for this little life that will be joining our family.  The curiosity of not knowing if it's going to be a boy or a girl is seriously making me nervous.  I really have no idea, and I really don't have any preference, but this curiosity is getting the best of me.  Oh well, another 5 weeks or so won't kill me.
As I was thinking about restarting my blog, the word "adventure" kept coming to mind.  Thus, the title of the blog, as well as the name in the link.  I love the word adventure.  So, I went and looked up the word, and here's what it means:

a : an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks  
    b : the encountering of risks adventure>
2: an exciting or remarkable experience adventure in exotic dining>
3: an enterprise involving financial risk

I want my life, every season it has, to be an adventure.  I don't want to live life on the safe side, I don't want to live life with regrets, and even in the quieter seasons of life, I don't want to get bogged down, but I want to look for the adventure that lies in those moments.  I believe that God has created us for adventure.  Having faith is an adventure, and I want my life to be full of faith.  I want to step out into the unknown, I want to be obedient to God, even if it's scary, and I want to experience I full life in Him.

And this blog, well, I just hope I keep up with it to share the adventures that we experience.

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