Thursday, November 8, 2012

T fam update: God is faithful.

Parts of me want to say that I'm utterly failing at my attempt to blog.  Three months since my last blog isn't horrible, and at least I have thought about my blog.  :)  I do want to get better.  I will try.

Update on the T fam:

Isabella is 17 months and running!!  She is full of spunk and joy.  She runs, climbs, and jabbers away.  Her smile is contagious.  She loves Sesame Street, Monsters Inc and Pocoyo.  She loves slides, banana's, and Mr Monkey.  She signs please, finished, and more.  She can say mommy, daddy, thank you, puppy, "mama" for gramma, "papa" for grandpa, "nana" for banana, amongst her growing vocabulary list.

I am 30 weeks pregnant with Zoe Anne.  She loves to move around and has the hiccups at least once a day.  I'm feeling huge and ready to hold my baby girl in my arms. 

Joe lost his job almost 3 months ago due to financial issues with the company.  He's been working diligently to secure a new job, and has had interviews and such.  God keeps reminding us that He is our provider and that His timing is perfect.  There have definitely been some cool God moments, watching Him provide for us just what we need, at just the right time.  I have wondered how we are going to make it, and I am constantly reminded and challenged to trust God's faithfulness everyday.

Along with job searching, being pregnant, being involved with church events, and just everyday life, the T fam has begun the process for what will take us on a new adventure.  We are really excited that God has opened this door for us and is leading us to be able to do something as a family that is in our hearts to do: missions.  We have recently been approved as Missionary Associates to go to Tallinn, Estonia, to be part of a church planting team.  It is a huge step of faith for us, but we are excited about the adventure that awaits.  We are excited about the other missionaries that are on the team...amazing people that I am so honored to get to work with.  Excited about their children, who will become good friends to my little girls.  There's a lot that needs to happen for us to get there, and I'm sure I'll be writing more about that in the future.  But God is faithful.

Each day I'm reminded of God's faithfulness.  I am challenged to trust in His faithfulness.  Forever grateful for His faithfulness.  In a world of chaos, constant change, ups and downs, there is always one constant: God is faithful!

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